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06 November 2023

The General Organization for Conservation of Coral Reefs and Turtles in the Red Sea Signs MOU with the King Khalid University an MOU for cooperation in education, training, and environmental initiatives.

University President Prof. Faleh bin Rajaallah Al-Solami welcomed Dr. Khalid bin Mohammad Al-Asfhani, CEO of The General Organization for Conservation of Coral Reefs and Turtles in the Red Sea, to Al-Fara'a University City. They signed an MOU The memorandum of understanding (MOU) encompasses the following terms:
1. Training Programs: Development of long and short-term training programs tailored to essential areas of mutual interest.
2. Support for Graduate Projects: Assistance in implementing graduate students' projects and facilitating their entry into the job market.
3. Research Support for PhD and MA Students: Collaboration on research initiatives for postgraduate students within the organization.
4. Training Opportunities for bachelor’s Students: Offering training opportunities at the organization for undergraduate students.
5. Environmental Solutions and Suggestions: Provision of solutions and recommendations for coral reef and turtle preservation, especially in the southern Red Sea region.
6. Sustainable Resource Use: Promoting sustainable use of coral and turtle resources in coastal environmental tourism.
7. Environmental AI Technology Development: Collaboration on developing AI technologies for environmental conservation.
8. Specialized Studies and Consultations: Conducting specialized studies and providing consultations on environmental investment and economic analysis.
9. Awareness Events: Organizing events to promote positive awareness of environmental preservation.
10. Student Volunteering: Encouraging student involvement in volunteering for events and activities related to conservation.
11. Conferences, Seminars, and Workshops: Hosting conferences, seminars, and specialized workshops on environmental topics.
